Just a quick update to let you all know we are back safely in San Diego. The US/Mexico border was a hoot, with many street vendors catching my mom pointing at their merchandise, which resulted in our van being swarmed by merchants. Very funny. The whole process, after a few poorly labelled signs that almost got us into the Nexus lane, took about 90 minutes! Not bad!
We said goodbye to 4 of our team members, and are now waiting for our flight back to Bellingham via Seattle in what may just be the smallest terminal for such a big city. It's essentially a circle with 7 gates with a Starbucks in the middle - takes less than 2 minutes to walk around. Haha.
Anyway, everyone is happy, content, full. Happy to report we had no sickness whatsoever! Wohoo!
Ironically, after a week of full on sun, it is now POURING rain here in San Diego.
Cant wait to see all your smiley faces in worship on Sunday morning!
And, just as a "save the date", make sure you come to the Mexico Outreach service on Sunday April 15th - we'll be sharing alllllll about our trip. Theo, Marcella and Lee, our "members at large" might even make a cameo!
Alright, this is it - sign out for the last time on this trip. Thanks again for all the LOVE.
Simon, and the rest of the Mexico 2012 team
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Untitled #4: how to end on a "!!!" note
What a great great week. I can't even express how I feel. Im just so profoundly proud of the team. Im profoundly proud of all of you for your support, love, prayers.
Today was a good day off, with lots of sunburns as we shopped around local markets.
The BEST part of the day (aside from a beautiful team lunch overlooking the ocean) was visiting the house that we built last year. HOLY SMOKES. It brought me to tears...again. As we arrived, Jaqueline was busy cleaning her windows. Her face lit up as we pulled up. Rosario, her father, and Joan, her son, came out of the house with HUGE smiles. Their place looked transformed. They had planted beautiful plants all around a new cement walkway to the front of their house. Inside, they had installed new white floor tiles, had gotten a TV and a couch. The whole thing looked SO homey. And to see the same furniture we got them brought back so many memories.
Highlight within a highlight? As we walked into their living room, I looked on the wall and saw the painting that Claire Watts (a kid from our Sunday School) had painted for them last year. Made my day!
We spent this last night around a little campfire, sharing good stories. We'll be sorry to part ways tomorrow with Theo who is staying behind for another week. In San Diego, we'll be parting ways with Marcella, Lee and Nicole. And then we will slowly make our way back to West Vancouver.
Please pray for safety as we cross back into the US, and fly back to Bellingham.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for praying. Thank you for your support.
My heart is full.
Today was a good day off, with lots of sunburns as we shopped around local markets.
The BEST part of the day (aside from a beautiful team lunch overlooking the ocean) was visiting the house that we built last year. HOLY SMOKES. It brought me to tears...again. As we arrived, Jaqueline was busy cleaning her windows. Her face lit up as we pulled up. Rosario, her father, and Joan, her son, came out of the house with HUGE smiles. Their place looked transformed. They had planted beautiful plants all around a new cement walkway to the front of their house. Inside, they had installed new white floor tiles, had gotten a TV and a couch. The whole thing looked SO homey. And to see the same furniture we got them brought back so many memories.
Highlight within a highlight? As we walked into their living room, I looked on the wall and saw the painting that Claire Watts (a kid from our Sunday School) had painted for them last year. Made my day!
We spent this last night around a little campfire, sharing good stories. We'll be sorry to part ways tomorrow with Theo who is staying behind for another week. In San Diego, we'll be parting ways with Marcella, Lee and Nicole. And then we will slowly make our way back to West Vancouver.
Please pray for safety as we cross back into the US, and fly back to Bellingham.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for praying. Thank you for your support.
My heart is full.
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La Bufadora - cruisin' the markets! |
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Lunch at Habana Banana. |
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The red and white painting on the wall is Claire Watts'! :D This is inside the house we built last year. |
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Just amazing to see how much it had changed! It really felt like a home. |
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Jaqueline teared up while talking to us, thanking us for how we had changed their lives. It was humbling to see the difference a whole year in. Ya. Wow. |
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Those of us who helped build the house along with the family. |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
What a day
Exhausted, content, full, proud.
After a great morning of building, we put the finishing touches on the house. The family we were building for made us lunch - amazing amazing tamales (I think that's how it is spelled) - essentially a chicken, potato, yam type mix baked inside a corn wrap. SO good. And amazed again at the generosity of a family that has so little.
One of the highlights of the day was during lunch - Dylon used the wooden pieces Nicole made yesterday and told all the neighbourhood kids the story of the Good Shepard, a Godly Play story he has told many times in Sunday School. It was amazing to see the kids so captive even through a translator, especially considering just how INSANE these kids can be. I've toned down the number of pictures today, in part because Im going to try adding a video that captures just how crazy the neighbourhood has been - as soon as one of the teens was done with a piggy-back ride, it was time for a hand swing, only to be asked for three other piggy-back rides. Hahaha.
After a big water balloon fight with the neighbourhood kids, we told the family to stay in their house while we unpacked the van full of goodness. Mattresses for the bunks, curtains for the windows, bed sheets, teddy bears, a table + chairs, dishes, a few cabinets, etc. Katie even brought from Canada some shampoo, body wash and lipstick for Martha.
At about 4:00pm, we all formed a circle around the front door and, one at a time, held the keys while speaking a blessing to the family before passing them on to the next person. Marcella, who has such a great sensitive heart, just started crying when it got to her turn, which set a few of us off. The keys kept going around. By the time it got to me, I just felt so proud of the work the team had accomplished - and not just in the physical sense of "Oh look we built a house", but to see just how much everyone had learned to love one another. It was unbelievable. Unfortunately for me, all these thoughts flooded my mind as I held on to the key and I just lost it. Hahaa. And that is when the husband receiving the house lost it. He just exploded in this loud sob and hugged his whole family, which, of course, set everyone else off. Mike described himself as "even *I* had a single tear streaming down my face." Haha. Very powerful.
After last year's trip, Sam Ives kept asking me over and over when we'd be going back to build another house, and his persistence and passion for the work here in Mexico is what eventually led us to return, so I found it fitting to have him be the last person to speak, and to have Sam be the one to hand over the keys.
The family opened the door and walked in in shock at the beautiful home they would be able to sleep in tonight. The kids were jumping on their bunks, thrilled. After some time praying for the family, we said our goodbyes and headed on back to camp. Unforgettable.
We just spent an unexpected 90 minutes in group time now. The goal was to spend a bit of time encouraging each person. But as a sign of how well everyone had gelled, well, ya - we spent 90 minutes around the table! Sometimes I wonder whether people know how well they are loved, so it was SO refreshing to spend so much time hearing funny stories about good conversations. Ahhh. Im going to bed tonight SO content and SO proud of this team of friends.
Tomorrow, we head off to La Bufadora, a marine geyser, and a local market. Please pray for continued enthusiasm, health. Pray too for the beautiful work God is doing in our lives. And as I start to look towards our return, please pray for continued vision. Thank you thank you thank you.
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Finishing touches! |
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Ross never misses an opportunity to do evangelism for West Van United! Haha. |
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Dylon telling the parable of the Good Shepard. |
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Jamie with his hands full. Literally! |
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These kids just make me smile. All of them do. Just...ya. Incredible people. |
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The table is set in the new home! |
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After the family walked in, this is Juan (3 years old), enjoying his parents' new bed (he'll be sleeping on the bunk above this bed). He was SO excited. |
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Luis and Mateo enjoy their new beds. Mateo is proudly sporting his new baseball cap which belonged to Sam. |
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Finished!!!! |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day of the Pony Tail
The day started with a bang. We couldn't find the girls ANYWHERE, and we're kind of late for the work site. Suddenly, they come streaming out of their bedroom, alllllll of them sporting pony tails. Hahaha. The picture below tells all. The girls have really bonded, and reportedly there are foot massage sessions in their room after 10pm quiet time!
To give you an idea of how well everyone is getting along, today, in morning chapel, we were told that today is typically "hump day" - the day where you start getting tired of your teammates, and so on. And I had several people express how their first thought was "WHAAAT?! I LOVE THE PEOPLE ON MY TEAM!" So, good news on that front!
Our van rides are always full of energy, pumping out the tunes, people laughing in our crowded 15 passenger van.
Today was another day full of small miracles. We finished the roof and the drywall, put in the windows, played lots of soccer (and I mean lots), and texturized the wall before it gets painted tomorrow. It's just so so crazy how fast everything comes together. Our crew leaders (pictured below) are SO fantastic. And strangely enough, they give off the vibe of being slower than last year, yet we seem to be getting more done. There's a strange peace to it all.
Another small "Simon stop being such a grump" moment was when I decided to let Luis roam (though just a little) with my camera. He's hilarious. He just LOVED it, and started getting into using the zoom (and he's 5!). I put one of his pictures of Mike down below. Luis has absolutely made his way into the old grown up side of my heart. He came to find me during tonight's church service, asking me if he could take pictures. Instant heart-warm. :)
After a full day of building, we were greeted at the centre with tacos before heading back out for a Spanish church service. Upon our arrival, we were asked to provide a drummer (shock!), so Mike, who hadn't played in a few years, decided "I can do this!". And sure enough, believe or not, Mike lead worship on drums for us and a congregation of about 50-75 Mexicans (on top of having to work with a worship leader that spoke no English). VERY proud moment. :)
Jamie and Mike also shared about their experience of being in Mexico via a translator. And, to his great surprise, Ross was "presented with an opportunity" (read: told to) to preach about 2 or 3 minutes before the fact. He did not disappoint!
The evening wrapped up with a game of soccer in the church backyard, featuring the West Van youth team vs about 30 Mexican children. It was mayhem!
Believe it or not, tomorrow is our LAST day of building. It is SUCH a beautiful day to be able to complete what we set out to do. Ive encouraged our team to take a bit of alone time (a rarity!) and prepare their hears for what God wants to show them tomorrow. Martha, the mother, shared her gratitude in church tonight, and was just CRYING and crying. So Im sure tomorrow will be unforgettable. So please pray with us, that our hearts would be ready, that the family's hearts would be ready, and that God would be God (which, I mean...God is always God, so I guess I mean just that God would do that thing that only God does). :D
To all you parents out there who sent your kids out here with us: your kids are incredible people. And each one of them has made me laugh incessantly. It continues to be a true honour to journey with them.
Anyway, goodnight all. Here's a small sample todays pictures! (for the non-important record, Im close to 900 pictures!)
To give you an idea of how well everyone is getting along, today, in morning chapel, we were told that today is typically "hump day" - the day where you start getting tired of your teammates, and so on. And I had several people express how their first thought was "WHAAAT?! I LOVE THE PEOPLE ON MY TEAM!" So, good news on that front!
Our van rides are always full of energy, pumping out the tunes, people laughing in our crowded 15 passenger van.
Today was another day full of small miracles. We finished the roof and the drywall, put in the windows, played lots of soccer (and I mean lots), and texturized the wall before it gets painted tomorrow. It's just so so crazy how fast everything comes together. Our crew leaders (pictured below) are SO fantastic. And strangely enough, they give off the vibe of being slower than last year, yet we seem to be getting more done. There's a strange peace to it all.
Another small "Simon stop being such a grump" moment was when I decided to let Luis roam (though just a little) with my camera. He's hilarious. He just LOVED it, and started getting into using the zoom (and he's 5!). I put one of his pictures of Mike down below. Luis has absolutely made his way into the old grown up side of my heart. He came to find me during tonight's church service, asking me if he could take pictures. Instant heart-warm. :)
After a full day of building, we were greeted at the centre with tacos before heading back out for a Spanish church service. Upon our arrival, we were asked to provide a drummer (shock!), so Mike, who hadn't played in a few years, decided "I can do this!". And sure enough, believe or not, Mike lead worship on drums for us and a congregation of about 50-75 Mexicans (on top of having to work with a worship leader that spoke no English). VERY proud moment. :)
Jamie and Mike also shared about their experience of being in Mexico via a translator. And, to his great surprise, Ross was "presented with an opportunity" (read: told to) to preach about 2 or 3 minutes before the fact. He did not disappoint!
The evening wrapped up with a game of soccer in the church backyard, featuring the West Van youth team vs about 30 Mexican children. It was mayhem!
Believe it or not, tomorrow is our LAST day of building. It is SUCH a beautiful day to be able to complete what we set out to do. Ive encouraged our team to take a bit of alone time (a rarity!) and prepare their hears for what God wants to show them tomorrow. Martha, the mother, shared her gratitude in church tonight, and was just CRYING and crying. So Im sure tomorrow will be unforgettable. So please pray with us, that our hearts would be ready, that the family's hearts would be ready, and that God would be God (which, I mean...God is always God, so I guess I mean just that God would do that thing that only God does). :D
To all you parents out there who sent your kids out here with us: your kids are incredible people. And each one of them has made me laugh incessantly. It continues to be a true honour to journey with them.
Anyway, goodnight all. Here's a small sample todays pictures! (for the non-important record, Im close to 900 pictures!)
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Pony tails galore! |
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Nicole is so helpful. ;) hahaha. |
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Always awkward when you drywall yourself into the house! This is Lee saving us from our cube. |
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Good news: Marcella found her calling: mudding! She loved it! |
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Ben proving that it is indeed very sunny! |
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Juan and his wife Carey - our fantastic crew leaders. |
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Sam and the intern working with us, Perla. |
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Tomorrow, Dylon will be telling one of the stories he tells our kids in Sunday School. Nicole is here drawing the pieces that he will use. |
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Luis and his brother, looking out the window of their soon to be "old home". |
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Picture taken by Luis. |
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Dylon and Katie going over plans for the bunks we'll be building tomorrow. Did I hear TRIPLE bunk? I think so! |
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Vivian made a friend! She spent most of the afternoon with Isabelle. They even made matching bracelets. |
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Ross, THRILLED to be eating Poblanos Tacos for dinner! |
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Katie, church-ready. |
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Here's proof that they did it! Jamie and Mike speaking at the service, with Carey translating. |
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Luiz the 5 Year Old
I know I keep sounding over-the-top with my updates, but everything keeps going so so well. The team dynamics are incredible. Everyone spends their time hammering or painting, both of which are done with lots and lots of laughing.
Today, we put up the roof, and shingled the whole thing! Meanwhile, a crew started on the dry wall on the inside, while others went around painting touch-ups. A few highlights: the conversations. They continue to be so rich and so full - everything from upcoming university choices, to questions about faith, and then again, lots and lots of laughing.
What really astounded me today was a brilliant moment with my mom and aunt. I asked both of them if they wanted to do roofing. Now, keep in mind, Theo has built two houses before this in other countries. As my question, their faces quickly betrayed the slight moment of panic that was happening inside. But they went for it! And Im just amazed at how incredible it is to see two women of such profound faith continuing to take steps outside of their comfort zones. To be committed to the process of growth at an age when many are content with coasting is beyond inspiring. And they loved it! We could barely get them off the roof (though partly because they were nervous about the ladder work...hahaha).
The other thing that stands out was watching the teens in the group rally around a FIVE year old roofing! I know I know, it sounds sketchy. As we're roofing, we turn around and the parents had sent some of their children on the roof. My first thought was "Oh my gosh." My second thought was "Oh man, I just want to get this done - no time for this." But then, grace happened. The kid was having a BLAST! By the end, with only a few shingles left, Nicole, Jamie, Sam, Mike, and Brigitte were standing around the kid, watching him grab a shingle, grab a nail and a hammer, and go at it. It was incredible.
Today, we put up the roof, and shingled the whole thing! Meanwhile, a crew started on the dry wall on the inside, while others went around painting touch-ups. A few highlights: the conversations. They continue to be so rich and so full - everything from upcoming university choices, to questions about faith, and then again, lots and lots of laughing.
What really astounded me today was a brilliant moment with my mom and aunt. I asked both of them if they wanted to do roofing. Now, keep in mind, Theo has built two houses before this in other countries. As my question, their faces quickly betrayed the slight moment of panic that was happening inside. But they went for it! And Im just amazed at how incredible it is to see two women of such profound faith continuing to take steps outside of their comfort zones. To be committed to the process of growth at an age when many are content with coasting is beyond inspiring. And they loved it! We could barely get them off the roof (though partly because they were nervous about the ladder work...hahaha).
The other thing that stands out was watching the teens in the group rally around a FIVE year old roofing! I know I know, it sounds sketchy. As we're roofing, we turn around and the parents had sent some of their children on the roof. My first thought was "Oh my gosh." My second thought was "Oh man, I just want to get this done - no time for this." But then, grace happened. The kid was having a BLAST! By the end, with only a few shingles left, Nicole, Jamie, Sam, Mike, and Brigitte were standing around the kid, watching him grab a shingle, grab a nail and a hammer, and go at it. It was incredible.
Chatting with Ben, another of the teens on the trip, it was amazing to see that the family had bought us pizza for lunch. Keep in mind - last night, someone asked them what they were going to have for dinner, and they said it depends on whether the husband would be able to bring food home or not. And here they were, buying us lunch. Humbling.
Tonight in group time, each of the team members was given a letter written by someone back home - a parent, a friend, a spouse, a child. It was such a pleasure to see the look on everyone's face as they read words of encouragement, and a reminder of just how well supported we are by all of you.
Tomorrow the plan is to finish the last touches on the roof, finish up dry wall, texturize, paint, etc. I can't believe this is already the home stretch!
Please pray for continued health (it's supposed to be 28 degrees and sunny tomorrow!). Also, we go to a Spanish church service in the evening. After last year's INCREDIBLE experience, please pray that we'd be open to whatever it is that God has in store, without having to compare and all that stuff.
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Here's a picture for Mary Jo and Pat: look! Your son is washing the dishes! Mega points! :D |
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Dylon and Jamie working on the roof. |
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We went around and wrote prayers and words of blessing on the walls of the house before putting up the dry wall. |
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Mr Mike working on the electrical. |
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Lee has spent most of his 2 days measuring things. What a guy. |
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Ben and Mike suffered through the atrocity that is "the mega drill". Just awful. It's a fairly dull drill bit trying to make its way through, at times, 3 layers of wood. |
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Sam, supervising. |
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Ross putting on the final touches on the siding! |
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Nicole is absolutely hilarious. She says she finds freedom in not taking life too seriously. So she painted a moustache on, which she sported for most of the morning. |
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The family is already SO excited about their rapidly growing house! |
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Morning roofing crew! Ross, Marcella, Nicole, Brigitte, Jamie and our intern Perla. |
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Katie finally got a hang of mudding! |
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Ben, looking very cinematographic. |
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Brigitte is also hilarious. Case in point. |
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Marcella ran off for the afternoon and took so so many GORGEOUS photos. This is one of the many. |
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Theo, having falling in love with the art of roofing. |
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