Exhausted, content, full, proud.
After a great morning of building, we put the finishing touches on the house. The family we were building for made us lunch - amazing amazing tamales (I think that's how it is spelled) - essentially a chicken, potato, yam type mix baked inside a corn wrap. SO good. And amazed again at the generosity of a family that has so little.
One of the highlights of the day was during lunch - Dylon used the wooden pieces Nicole made yesterday and told all the neighbourhood kids the story of the Good Shepard, a Godly Play story he has told many times in Sunday School. It was amazing to see the kids so captive even through a translator, especially considering just how INSANE these kids can be. I've toned down the number of pictures today, in part because Im going to try adding a video that captures just how crazy the neighbourhood has been - as soon as one of the teens was done with a piggy-back ride, it was time for a hand swing, only to be asked for three other piggy-back rides. Hahaha.
After a big water balloon fight with the neighbourhood kids, we told the family to stay in their house while we unpacked the van full of goodness. Mattresses for the bunks, curtains for the windows, bed sheets, teddy bears, a table + chairs, dishes, a few cabinets, etc. Katie even brought from Canada some shampoo, body wash and lipstick for Martha.
At about 4:00pm, we all formed a circle around the front door and, one at a time, held the keys while speaking a blessing to the family before passing them on to the next person. Marcella, who has such a great sensitive heart, just started crying when it got to her turn, which set a few of us off. The keys kept going around. By the time it got to me, I just felt so proud of the work the team had accomplished - and not just in the physical sense of "Oh look we built a house", but to see just how much everyone had learned to love one another. It was unbelievable. Unfortunately for me, all these thoughts flooded my mind as I held on to the key and I just lost it. Hahaa. And that is when the husband receiving the house lost it. He just exploded in this loud sob and hugged his whole family, which, of course, set everyone else off. Mike described himself as "even *I* had a single tear streaming down my face." Haha. Very powerful.
After last year's trip, Sam Ives kept asking me over and over when we'd be going back to build another house, and his persistence and passion for the work here in Mexico is what eventually led us to return, so I found it fitting to have him be the last person to speak, and to have Sam be the one to hand over the keys.
The family opened the door and walked in in shock at the beautiful home they would be able to sleep in tonight. The kids were jumping on their bunks, thrilled. After some time praying for the family, we said our goodbyes and headed on back to camp. Unforgettable.
We just spent an unexpected 90 minutes in group time now. The goal was to spend a bit of time encouraging each person. But as a sign of how well everyone had gelled, well, ya - we spent 90 minutes around the table! Sometimes I wonder whether people know how well they are loved, so it was SO refreshing to spend so much time hearing funny stories about good conversations. Ahhh. Im going to bed tonight SO content and SO proud of this team of friends.
Tomorrow, we head off to La Bufadora, a marine geyser, and a local market. Please pray for continued enthusiasm, health. Pray too for the beautiful work God is doing in our lives. And as I start to look towards our return, please pray for continued vision. Thank you thank you thank you.
Finishing touches! |
Ross never misses an opportunity to do evangelism for West Van United! Haha. |
Dylon telling the parable of the Good Shepard. |
Jamie with his hands full. Literally! |
These kids just make me smile. All of them do. Just...ya. Incredible people. |
The table is set in the new home! |
After the family walked in, this is Juan (3 years old), enjoying his parents' new bed (he'll be sleeping on the bunk above this bed). He was SO excited. |
Luis and Mateo enjoy their new beds. Mateo is proudly sporting his new baseball cap which belonged to Sam. |
Finished!!!! |
Amazing!....in so many ways.