David: Man of the Day |
So, every evening, we wrap up the day talking about our day and our hopes for the next. David, it turns out, had mentioned that he was hoping that today, he would be challenged to do something he wouldn't
want to do. Well, turns out a ditch needed to be dug from the house to the road (downhills, maybe 150 meters long?). Without grumbling, David spent several hours with a pick axe, then a shovel, then a jack hammer trying to get this ditch done. And he did. We gave him a seated-standing ovation (since we were in the van) and the honourary title of "Man of the Day". (feel free to pray for a good night sleep for him tonight!). He was so tired he fell asleep tonight with his light on, full dressed.
Today was a full and busy day. We got to the site a little later than usual, trying to price out how much it would cost to run electricity for the family. So we got started at a leisurely 11am after beef burritos for breakfast. Mmm mm mmmm. Our goal for the day was to put up all the trim around the outside, finish the drywall + taping + mudding, paint the wooden frame for the beds, and get as far as possible on the shingling. All of that before a 3:30 wrap-up for tonight's church service. And guess what?! WE PULLED THROUGH! What an amazing feeling. The family is so so thrilled.
We got home in time for the annual tradition of Poblano's Tacos: you place your order of 1 to 5 tacos. The shells and everything is made right in front of you, as the taco craftsman sends dollops of salsa and guacamole flying through the air onto the taco. Sprinkle with a little bit of lime and you are SET! :D
We then made our way to a local church that the family we are building with is connected for a 2 (!!) hour service! Every year, the service ends up being an AMAZING experience, so I had my expectations set pretty high. It started off a little rocky, mostly in that at first, our team were the only ones there. But slowly, people trickled in until there was a healthy congregation of about 40 to 50 people - LOTS of kids again. Sadly, people had stolen their music instruments, so we were treated to simple worship. We all got a good chuckle out of the awful awful clapping rhythm we all had. It seemed as though the evening would be fairly normal after all.
The team was asked if anyone wanted to share a few words. Ben got up first, and spoke like a true minister (*coughnewcallingcough*). He spoke on using what God has given him, and us, to be a blessing to others. Then Wesley went to the front and shared a profoundly emotional message about his late grandpa who taught him how to build things - great preparation that allowed Wes to be here. Sam went up and talked about his experience of Mexico, and blessed the congregation for helping him feel safe and at home with them. Ryley shared about the deep joy he can see in these kids who have so little. Chris shared a passage from Scripture, and Katie closed off with a prayer for the congregation. I just sat there, AMAZED. In past years, it took a lot of coaching and prodding to have 1 or 2 kids share. And this year, 6 people from the team went up in front to tell of God's faithfulness. ALL of this, through a translator. I was also asked to preach, which went really well. I sometimes get this feeling of being in the little bubble when Im preaching, and this year was the first time I felt like the translator was a part of that covering too. Really fun. :)
Anyway, we wrapped up the night with children hanging off of us. There were tears from the kids in the church when we left, which led to tears on our team in the van on the ride home. As we pulled out of the parking lot, the kids were asking us "Casa maƱana?!!" (which means "House tomorrow?"). Yup! We'll be there!
Hard to believe tomorrow is our last day of building. I am so grateful for the things God has done this week in the team, in myself, in the family and their neighbours.
Please pray for the key ceremony tomorrow, that the team would be transformed in whatever way God has prepared for us. Please pray for continued safety and health, for openness, for joy + love. Thank you all so much - here a few photos to wrap up this sunny day!
This picture is for Wes' sister. :) |
Photo taken by one of the kids that ran around with my camera. :D |
Wonderful blog. Feel like we're there with you.What an amazing experience in so many ways. Hopefully David won't need a physio when he gets home! He looks like he's been a very busy fellow. Keep having a great and meaningful time.
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sniff sob snivel snort. You all bring my emotions to a blubbering mess. Praise God for you wonderful Jesus freaks!!!!