Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Comparing sunburns...

Just a quick update here to say we are now comparing sunburns. Im still King Lobster, but probably not for long! Today we were blessed with a full day of sunshine, which was a blessing for those who wanted to tan and spent the day on the roof, and a blessing for those who wanted to avoid the sun and worked hard on the interior (drywall, taping and mudding all in a day!).
We've had some good laughs on our trips to and from the work site, listening to the most inane music courtesy of my iPod. My song dedications are slowly becoming legendary! ;)
For lunch today, the family prepared us the most amazing burritos, which were devoured in a flash. Good stuff! 
On an emotional and spiritual level, everyone seems to be doing great. Some are wrestling with the more evangelical style of worship, others with the sermon style - things that are essentially "different" from what they might be used to. But in everyone, there seems to be an openess and a willingness to love, which is great. We're on day 2 of the build and I am continually amazed at how blessed we are to be here doing this work. The family keeps expressing how touched and moved they are by our presence and our willingness to PAY to work, when it's usually the opposite!
One of the moments I thought I would pass on was a lunchtime conversation I had with Sam about safety. As we enjoyed our burritos, he just said "You know, I think it's funny how everyone made such a big deal about safety, because I feel so safe here." Same with Vivian, who expressed "When I feel at home, I tend to think less about my actions, and I feel so much at home here. So, if someone sees me approaching a dog that looks like it has rabbies, please let me know." Hehe. Of course, that is not to say that we're making rash decisions and putting ourselves at risk unecessarily. But I thought I would share these things to say "so far so good!" So please continue praying for our safety, for our health, and most of all, that God would continue the good work of transformation that He has been doing for ages. 

Alex posing with Rosario, the grandfather, standing in what has become a classic pose.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially a man: yes, I shed blood on this project. Haha.

The house and the neighbourhood.

Maja and Katie laughing it up.

Ben and Vivian putting up some drywall.

Trapped in the drywall box.

Brian and Dylon.

Classic pose #2.

Robbie and Alex, posing on the roof!

Gord: you can add this to the list of renos you can make Judy do to the cottage!

Dylon, Vivian and Lee laying down the tar paper.


  1. Excellent progress! I wish our renos had gone that fast. Well done. Bill and Susan

  2. We sent Sam with sunscreen so he would not win the lobster contest! In Toronto we are working our way through a snowstorm. As you can imagine, Katherine is not impressed.

    Glenn and Katherine

  3. Amazing! The house looks great! Just as sunny here in Victoria but probably not as warm. :-)
